Sunday, March 19, 2017

[ Interview ] Philadelphia Musician and Songwriter, Josh Miller!

Josh Miller is a singer songwriter, and multi -instrumentalist based out of Philadelphia PA. When he's not performing his original tunes, you can catch him playing with the alt-folk band Former Belle.  Make sure you check out his music on Facebook, Soundcloud, YouTube, Twitter
How do you take your coffee, tea? 
Cream and Sugar!
- can't go wrong there!

In this ever changing political climate, do you feel inspired to write, or do you feel overwhelmed?

Honestly my music is relatively introspective, so it really depends. It’s definitely really overwhelming to see what’s going on in this country, but it’s even more inspiring to see so many people marching and standing up for what they truly believe in. 
-that's a great way to look at things Josh, high fives for optimism!

Who were your 3 biggest musical influences in high school?

Bon Iver
Bright Eyes

-but, who doesn't like Bon Iver, am i right?

Who are your 3 biggest musical influences right now?

Bon Iver (kind of anything Justin Vernon does…)
James Vincent McMorrow
My friends! (they make really great music)

- in the words of the aussie rocker Courtney Barnett in her tune "Are You Looking After Yourself" - "my friends play in bands, they are better than, everything on radio", we couldn't agree more.

Have you always lived in Philadelphia?

I grew up in Lower Moreland which is a suburb right outside of northeast philly, but I spent a lot of time taking the train to the city to go to shows. I also spent some time living in northern Colorado during high school. 
- that must've been a crazy transition from deserts and mountains, to suburbs and city trains, always great for the artist perspective
If you had a friend come from out of town wanting to see the city, where would you take them first?
I’d probably take them to Bourbon & Branch because the food is amazing and there’s usually a good show happening!
- A++ choice

What’s your favorite song you’ve ever written? ( and why?)

My favorite song as of right now that I’ve written is a song called “Visitors”. It sat on my computer in an Ableton project for about a year, and then one night everything kind of came together. It starts with a really simple chord progression and then by the end it swells into this big orchestral arrangement. Musically and lyrically it’s a song that was super different for me and has encouraged me to step outside of my comfort zone. 
- go ahead, give it a listen, it's so so good. 

Anything you’d like to share with us? (Upcoming shows, singles, projects, fun facts)

Right now I’m working on either a series of EPs or an LP and I can’t make up my mind because I have musical A.D.D.
March 19th I’ll be playing a set at The Barbary with my good buddies from Nashville called The Middle Ground. They’re on tour supporting their new record “Start Again” and it’s really great!

- we can't wait to hear your upcoming releases, thank you for taking the time to talk with us. I'm sure it won't be the last time. Cheers.